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Bike Festiwal w Gdańsku

Data: 2018-04-06
Źródło: Informacja prasowa

Bike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuW dniach 7-8 kwietnia w gdańskim AMBERXPO odbędzie 4. edycja BIKE FESTIWALU - największej tego typu imprezy w Polsce, inaugurującej sezon rowerowy. W Festiwalu udział weźmie ponad 100 firm i marek rowerowych!

BIKE FESTIWAL to impreza promująca rowerowy styl życia, skierowana do aktywnych, rowerowo zakręconych ludzi – tych którzy o rowerach wiedzą już niemal wszystko, i tych którzy swoją przygodę z nimi dopiero rozpoczynają. Jedni i drudzy  będą mieli niepowtarzalną okazję do zapoznania się z rynkowymi nowościami. W imprezie udział wezmą producenci, dystrybutorzy oraz salony i serwisy rowerowe. Wielu wystawców zapowiada sprzedaż swoich produktów w specjalnych, targowych cenach!

Festiwalowi towarzyszyć będzie szereg wydarzeń i atrakcji: konkursy z fantastycznymi nagrodami, pokazy trialu rowerowego i MTB Suntu, wielki test rowerów Giant & Liv Demo Days, testy oprogramowania treningowego Kettler World Tour (obowiązkowa pozycja dla każdego ambitnego sportowca), Rolkowisko  (warsztaty z instuktorami ROLL 4 ALL).

Bike Festiwal 2018 w Gdańsku

W ramach salonu E-Mobility Expo na specjalnie przygotowanym torze przeprowadzane będą testy innowacyjnych rowerów i pojazdów napędzanych energią elektryczną. Niezwykle ciekawie zapowiada się  wystawa rowerów nietypowych i spotkania z ich konstruktorami.

Z myślą o najmłodszych powstanie strefa zabawy i edukacji - m. in. Akademia Bezpiecznej Jazdy, mini miasteczko ruchu drogowego, szkolenia pierwszej pomocy, dmuchany tor gokartowy, gry i zabawy z animatorami. Na scenie co godzinę  organizowane będą konkursy dla publiczności, w których będzie można wygrać fantastyczne nagrody: rowery, stroje, akcesoria i kosmetyki rowerowe.

Gośćmi specjalnymi Festiwalu będą m.in.: Igor Tracz – wielokrotny Mistrz Świata w bikejoringu. Norbert Nowicki – Mistrz Świata w tandemowych lotach motoparalotnią, Rafał Gręźlikowski – słynny rowerowy podróżnik, Bartek Ćwik – utytułowany zawodnik trialu rowerowego,  Kamil Kobędzowski – jeden z czołowych przedstawicieli światowego MTBstuntu oraz Leszek Pachulski, który opowie o wyprawie rowerowej przez zamarznięty Bajkał: Między lodem i niebem - opowieść o duchach Bajkału.

Bike Festiwal 2018 w Gdańsku

Na cyklistów na terenie zewnętrznym targów czekać będzie parking rowerowy.

Informacje praktyczne:

  • termin: 7 kwietnia, godz. 10.00-18.00
  • 8 kwietnia, godz. 10.00-17.00
  • miejsce: AMBEREXPO Centrum Wystawienniczo-Kongresowe, ul. Żaglowa 11, Gdańsk
  • dyrektor projektu: Grzegorz Knapik
  • organizator: Międzynarodowe Targi Gdańskie SA

Bike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w GdańskuBike Festiwal 2018 w Gdańsku

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12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-29 22:31 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 07:36 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 07:45 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 15:32 anonim |
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