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Pierwsze w Polsce zamykane boksy rowerowe

Data: 2013-02-11
Źródło: wroclaw.pl

Pierwsze w Polsce zamykane boksy roweroweNowatorski w skali kraju pomysł został zrealizowany we Wrocławiu. W dzielnicy mieszkalnej - na Psim Polu stanęło osiem zamykanych boksów do przechowywania rowerów. Cztery tuż przy stacji kolejowej Psie Pole a drugi po przeciwnej stronie al. Jana III Sobieskiego przy węźle przesiadkowym.

Monitorowane boksy pomieszczą łącznie osiem rowerów. "Boksy mają służyć osobom, które przyjadą rowerami na Dworzec Psie Pole, bezpiecznie je zaparkują, i dalej pojadą koleją" mówi Daniel Chojnacki, oficer rowerowy w Urzędzie Miasta.

Pierwsze w Polsce zamykane boksy roweroweObecnie rusza faza testowa, w czasie trwania której korzystanie z boksów jest całkowicie darmowe. "Chcemy zebrać doświadczenia czy takie rozwiązanie zachęci mieszkańców do podróżowania w inny sposób niż samochodem" – dodaje D. Chojnacki. Dlatego użytkownicy boksów będą mogli zgłaszać uwagi, sugestie i swoje pomysły odnośnie ich funkcjonowania na adres mailowy wkr@um.wroc.pl
Czytaj dalej na stronach wroclaw.pl
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Z dniem 2020-01-06 forum zostalo wylaczone

2013-02-16 13:27 anonim | Daleko, oj daleko
Daleko wam do Holandii, oj daleko.....
2013-07-04 22:36 anonim | GiP9sRUuFI
zegt:its members which has a sblatuie supply of creating materials!Charon informs me that the waste-baskets last week turned out forty-two of our best correspondence paper on which these poets experienced scribbled the 1st draft of their verses.Now I don't that the club would be wise to furnish the poets because of the raw material for their poems any than. to go back to Confucius's shoemaker. it will want to supply leather for our cobblers. What do you mean by raw for poems? asked Sir Walter! by using a frown. Pen! ink, and paper!What else? reported Demosthenes, Doesn't it take to write a poem? mentioned Raleigh, Doesn't it take brains to make a pair of shoes? retorted Demosthenes, swallowing a in his haste, They've got a right towards stationery. while! set in Blackstone, A clear legal right to it,If they to write poems about the paper instead of boring most people to death with letters, as most of us do! their very own affair. Well. they're quite wasteful, reported Demosthenes. We canmeet that easily enough, observed Cassius, Furnish each writing-table that has a could assume they'd be pleased with that!It's so much easier to rub out the wrong word. poets prefer to rub out the right word. growled Confucius, Besides, I shall never consent to slates in this house-boat,The with the pencils would be worse than the poems themselves. That's true, mentioned Cassius, I never thought of that!If a poets got to operate on those slates at once! a fife corpswouldn't be a circum- stance to them. Well! it all goes to what I have believed all along. reported Doctor Johnson, Homer's idea is regarded as a high a single! and Samson was wise in backing it up,The poets need to be concentrated somewhere exactly where they will not be a to other women and men, and where other men and women will not be a ance to them,Homer should have a place to compose in the place the vingt-et-un players will not interrupt his and. in the other hand, the vingt-et-un and other playerspreferably should be protected from the wooers on the muse.I'll vote to have the Corner, and in it I move that Cassius's slate idea be carried out,It will be a saving, and if the corner we select be far enough away from the other corners of your club. the of your slate-pencils want bother no a person. I agree to that, reported Blackstone, Only I imagine it will want to be understood that, in granting the petition in the poets. we do not bind ourselves to yield to doctors and lawyers and shoemakers http://kwvhhjyxsya.com [url=http://ymiaxbsz.com]ymiaxbsz[/url] [link=http://ypobrkob.com]ypobrkob[/link]
2015-10-09 08:49 anonim | boksy rowerowe
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2018-10-12 02:52 anonim |
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