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Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017 - relacja

Podczas tegorocznej edycji targów swoją ofertę zaprezentowało 250 wystawców z 14 krajów. Powierzchnia wystawy zajęła ponad 11 tysięcy metrów kwadratowych, czyli wszystkie 7 hal Targów Kielce, a odwiedziło ją ponad 9000 zwiedzających. To największa ilość odwiedzających w historii targów i jak dotąd rekordowa edycja wystawy.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017 

Na stoisku firmy Merida można było podziwiać złoty rower, na którym Vincenzo Nibali wygrał królewski etap Giro d’Italia. Wyjątkowy model Merida Scultura Centenario jest hołdem złożonym bogatej historii legendarnego Giro d’Italia. Ramę roweru pokryto płatami złota, na których znajdują się nazwiska dotychczasowych zwycięzców wyścigu, także Nibalego, triumfatora Giro d’Italia z 2013 r. i 2016 r. Znajduje się na niej napis „Centenario” („Stulecie”), a cały projekt nawiązuje do charakterystycznego trofeum przyznawanego zwycięzcy Giro. Lider Bahrain-Merida wygrał na tym rowerze królewski etap tegorocznego wyścigu i zajął 3. miejsce w kl. generalnej Giro.

 Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017


Kross pokazał kilka ciekawych nowości, a przede wszystkim zmiany w nazewnictwie modeli.

Znika oznaczanie literkami modeli Level. Do tej pory rowery górskie na kołach 26" nie posiadały dodatkowego oznaczenia, na kołach 29" miały oznaczenie Level B, a na kołach 27,5" oznaczenie R. teraz każdy Level będzie posiadał tylko cyfrę określającą poziom sprzętowy (i oczywiście cenowy). Im wyższa, tym lepszy rower. Od Level 1.0 do Level 12.0

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Jeszcze większe zmiany w trekkingach. Zamiast nazwowych określeń modeli Trans (Trans Solar, Trans Alp, Trans Siberia) wprowadzono liczbowe - podobnie jak w Levelach. Odpowiednikiem najwyższego modelu Trans Solar na sezon 2018 będzie Trans 11.0

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Kross Team Edition (TE) - tak będą teraz oznaczane najwyższe modele z danej linii. Do tej pory wyznacznikiem topowych rowerów był "+" przy nazwie modelu. teraz zamiast Kross Level B+ będzie Kross TE.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Będzie nawet Kross Level Team Edition Replica - czyli wersja topowego roweru... dla dzieci 

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Na stoisku można było oglądac wydruk z drukarki 3D najnowszego modelu Moon o zmienionej geometrii ramy.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

W 2017 roku Kross rozpoczął współprace z firmą ABUS - zawodniczki Kross Racing Team jeżdżą w kaskach tej niemieckiej firmy.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Firma Kross została dystrybutorem opon Mitas na Polskę. 

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Na stoisku mogliśmy tez podziwiać holenderskie elektryczne rowery firmy Multicycle, której kupno przez Krossa odbiło się szerokim echem nie tylko w świecie rowerowym.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Romet bardzo silnie promuje rowery elektryczne. Niewątpliwie model EGen R10 będzie jednym z najtańszych na rynku. Za 3200 zł otrzymamy rower z silnikiem Bafang 250 W w tylnym kole, z bateria litowo-jonową 8,8Ah, 36V.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Linia modnych obecnie bardzo rowerów Grawel rozrasta się do 4 modeli. Ciekawostką będzie Karbonowy NYK za 8000 zł (otrzymał nagrodę targów)

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Wypatrzyliśmy też prototyp roweru zjazdowego o nazwie Descender z zawieszenie o skoku 200/200 mm. Jest planowany na rok 2019. Przypomnijmy, że Romet juz kiedys posiadał w swojej ofercie zjazdówkę - model Black Jack.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Kultowa marka miejskich rowerów Gazelle ma nowego dystrybutora w Polsce. Na stoisku zwróciliśmy uwagę na klasyczny rower miejski w szaro stalowym kolorze matowym, który o dziwo posiada ramę aluminiową. To limitowana (i numerowana) wersja modelu Gazelle Classic Tour Populair, który będzie dostępny za 4200 zł.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Branża rowerów elektrycznych jest w mocnym progresie. Widać to między innymi po wrocławskim producencie rowerów "Ecobike", który w stosunku do zeszłego roku zaprezentował znacznie większe stoisko oraz oczywiście większą kolekcję elektryków. 

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Bardzo nam się spodobał lokalizator GPS do rowerów i ebike zaprezentowany na stoisku Ecobike. Cała instalacja jest ukryta w sztycy podsiodłowej, a urządzenie kontrolujemy za pomocą aplikacji na smartfonie.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Świeża polska Marka z Przasnysza - Monteria - podobnie jak w zeszłym roku zaprezentowała dużą kolekcję rowerów - głównie miejskich i budżetowych górskich.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Nowa marka na polskim rynku - czeskie rowery Apache - szuka dystrybutorów. W Kielcach zaprezentowali przede wszystkim rowery elektryczne (i Indianki).

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Nareszcie doczekaliśmy się firmy SRAM na kieleckich targach. To obok japońskiego Shimano potentat rynku osprzętu rowerowego. Duże stoisko zaprezentowała firma Harfa-Harryson - dystrybutor marki na Polskę.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Kolejny gracz na rynku elektryków. Polska firma Impuls oferuje rowery elektryczna, ale także zestawy elektryfikujące rower. Można je zamontować samemu, lub zlecić to firmie.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Marin - kultowa amerykańska firma znowu jest w Polsce!

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Geobike - konkurent Ecobike pokazał między innymi samoobsługową stację do wyporzyczania rowerów elektrycznych w której jednoślady są ładowane indukcyjnie.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Nowe zapięcie firmy Abus - składane Bordo z wbudowanym alarmem. Wg zapewnień przedstawicieli marki bateria starczy nawet na dwa lata dziania.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Firma Abus kojarzy się przede wszystkim z zabezpieczeniami przeciwkradzieżowymi. Jednak ofercie firmy już od wielu lat są akcesoria rowerowe, w tym kaski. Do tej pory jednak były to produkty dedykowane do miejskich i amatorskich użytkowników jednoladów. Teraz Abus wkracza na rynek profesionalnych kasków rowerowych. Własnie w takim jeździ Maja Włoszczowska.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Polska firma Unibike rozszerza swoja kolekcje o rowery miejskie i szosowe.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Miłośnicy bickepackingu mogli znaleźć nowe modele toreb. 

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Cossack - polski producent rowerów miejskich, jak co roku miał imponujące stoisko.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Od przedstawicieli firmy Medano (Zasada-Rowery) dowiedzieliśmy się, że do rowerów elektrycznych będzie dostępna niedługo aplikacja na smartfony do konfiguracji parametrów roweru oraz do monitorowania naszych wycieczek.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Na stoisku firmy Shimano najbardziej podobały wystawione rowery ze starym osprzętem Shimano. Na zdjęciu kultowy osprzęt Shimano 600.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Jeszcze jeden pomysł na składany rower

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Rowery elektryczne stają się coraz ładniejsze i coraz lżejsze. Bavarian Strong Bicycles pokazał rower elektryczny z bateria ukrytą w ramie ważący zaledwie 14 kg.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Polski producent - Volter przebił Niemców z rowerem elektrycznym o wadze 12 kg...

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

System śledzenia GPS rowerów Trackimo.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Smary teflonowe, ceramiczne czy molibdenowe znamy już.  A co byście powiedzieli na teflon w proszku?

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Spore zainteresowanie budziło małe stoisko firmy Proviz z Wielkiej Brytanii oferujacej odblaskowe ubranie. Za kurtkę, która w 100% jest odblaskowa musimy zapłacić ok 600 zł.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Radom pokazał stare polskie rowery, które kiedyś były obiektem naszych westchnięć,  - między innymi Huragana, Jaguara czy Sport.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Na stoisku Bikemana dystrybutora firmy Topeak wypatrzyliśmy prototyp pompki z cyfrowym miernikiem ciśnienia. Planowana na rok 2019.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Bikeman został tez dystrybutorem marki FLR na Polskę oferującą buty rowerowe w całkiem przystępnych cenach.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Mbike... Czy coś nam to nie przypomina? czyzby to była kolekcja Mbike na rok 2018? Tak - ale firmy Merida. To nowa marka tajwańskiego potentata, która zadebiutowała na targach. Wkrótce napiszemy o niej więcej.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017


Kolejna edycja Kielce Bike Expo odbędzie się 13-15 września 2018 r.

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017


Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017

Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017Targi rowerowe Kielce Bike-Expo 2017


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2021-04-01 17:32 anonim |
Home education pitfalls.
We lived in a provincial town. I was very surprised that before us in a neighboring school from the 8th grade, parents took their son to family training. My father taught me. The headmaster of that school proudly announced that the boy returned a year later: "It was hard." The boy pulled it out, passed it well, but didn't want to do it again.
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The first pitfall
What happened to the first boy in family training in our city is the first pitfall. We came across it in the 5th grade. This is the desire of teachers to interrogate (do not ask!) a non-standard student on all issues. No student answers on all topics in all subjects. Only those who are in family training.

I was acutely aware of the teachers ' desire to prove that the system they serve is better. So that others don't get hurt. We found a way out: another school.

Choose the form of training: external. They will impose fewer requirements.

The second pitfall
My mother-in-law worked as a teacher all her life. The students loved her. She took our idea of home education badly. We were lucky to live in different cities.

Once she arrived for 2 days and, as it turned out, did not have time to go to school! I wanted to talk to the class teacher, so that the girl was asked more strictly, so that she didn't want to study at home.

It was a failed betrayal. Sticks in the wheels can be inserted by anyone who does not feel sorry for the child. Such people were always on the way. But my own grandmother...
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My parents didn't agree with our decision either. However, the grandfather wrote to his granddaughter: "Don't see that your mother and I disagree. Listen to your mother, no one loves you more than her."

Detractors are the second pitfall. Inevitable. The worst thing is when it's relatives.

The third pitfall
Natasha finished 10th and 11th grade in one year. 3 times I wanted to drop out of school. Overwork. What held her back was the thought of those who would also study as an external student after her. She knew that she was paving the wa
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2021-04-02 00:46 anonim |
Home education pitfalls.
We lived in a provincial town. I was very surprised that before us in a neighboring school from the 8th grade, parents took their son to family training. My father taught me. The headmaster of that school proudly announced that the boy returned a year later: "It was hard." The boy pulled it out, passed it well, but didn't want to do it again.
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The first pitfall
What happened to the first boy in family training in our city is the first pitfall. We came across it in the 5th grade. This is the desire of teachers to interrogate (do not ask!) a non-standard student on all issues. No student answers on all topics in all subjects. Only those who are in family training.

I was acutely aware of the teachers ' desire to prove that the system they serve is better. So that others don't get hurt. We found a way out: another school.

Choose the form of training: external. They will impose fewer requirements.

The second pitfall
My mother-in-law worked as a teacher all her life. The students loved her. She took our idea of home education badly. We were lucky to live in different cities.

Once she arrived for 2 days and, as it turned out, did not have time to go to school! I wanted to talk to the class teacher, so that the girl was asked more strictly, so that she didn't want to study at home.

It was a failed betrayal. Sticks in the wheels can be inserted by anyone who does not feel sorry for the child. Such people were always on the way. But my own grandmother...
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My parents didn't agree with our decision either. However, the grandfather wrote to his granddaughter: "Don't see that your mother and I disagree. Listen to your mother, no one loves you more than her."

Detractors are the second pitfall. Inevitable. The worst thing is when it's relatives.

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Natasha finished 10th and 11th grade in one year. 3 times I wanted to drop out of school. Overwork. What held her back was the thought of those who would also study as an external student after her. She knew that she was paving the wa
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2021-04-02 04:01 anonim |
Home education pitfalls.
We lived in a provincial town. I was very surprised that before us in a neighboring school from the 8th grade, parents took their son to family training. My father taught me. The headmaster of that school proudly announced that the boy returned a year later: "It was hard." The boy pulled it out, passed it well, but didn't want to do it again.
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The first pitfall
What happened to the first boy in family training in our city is the first pitfall. We came across it in the 5th grade. This is the desire of teachers to interrogate (do not ask!) a non-standard student on all issues. No student answers on all topics in all subjects. Only those who are in family training.

I was acutely aware of the teachers ' desire to prove that the system they serve is better. So that others don't get hurt. We found a way out: another school.

Choose the form of training: external. They will impose fewer requirements.

The second pitfall
My mother-in-law worked as a teacher all her life. The students loved her. She took our idea of home education badly. We were lucky to live in different cities.

Once she arrived for 2 days and, as it turned out, did not have time to go to school! I wanted to talk to the class teacher, so that the girl was asked more strictly, so that she didn't want to study at home.

It was a failed betrayal. Sticks in the wheels can be inserted by anyone who does not feel sorry for the child. Such people were always on the way. But my own grandmother...
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My parents didn't agree with our decision either. However, the grandfather wrote to his granddaughter: "Don't see that your mother and I disagree. Listen to your mother, no one loves you more than her."

Detractors are the second pitfall. Inevitable. The worst thing is when it's relatives.

The third pitfall
Natasha finished 10th and 11th grade in one year. 3 times I wanted to drop out of school. Overwork. What held her back was the thought of those who would also study as an external student after her. She knew that she was paving the wa
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Kamagra is the medicine that has the same active element as Viagra – sildenafil. Kamagra claims to have an equal effect as the well-known blue pill. When it comes to money saving Kamagra cost has its advantages too. It’s wide-spread and not expensive. Kamagra 100 contains 100mg of sildenafil, the same dosage can be found in the Viagra pill of highest strength. It’s produced by Indian manufacturers and is often sold without prescription. That’s why it became very popular with men who want to treat their erectile dysfunction. You may simply buy Kamagra 100 and follow the instructions. Kamagra price is fairly cheaper than Viagra. When you start looking for kamagra online you’ll see that it exists in forms of coloured tablets and flavoured jellies. The medication has no official approve for the use in Europe and in the UK. Nevertheless more and more people choose Kamagra 100mg over other medication with the similar result. You can easily buy kamagra online, although the drug is unlicensed in some countries. No matter how attractive Kamagra cost is, there are no guarantees that the drug will contain sildenafil, the other components are also unknown. Kamagra generic distribution is unlawful, but most men are ready to purchase it, because there’s no need to consult a doctor. What can actually be easier – just go online and buy Kamagra, no prescriptions, no need to go to the pharmacy.
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When you decide to buy Kamagra 100 mg online you will be surprised by its numerous forms of the medication websites offer. Kamagra 100 is available in three different types: there are tablets, effervescent and jellies. It’s easier to buy Kamagra generic online, as it might not be represented in the pharmacies. More and more men prefer to buy Kamagra via the Internet. The sellers respect privacy of their customers, and Kamagra price is affordable for everyone. The most approved form of Kamagra 100mg is a tablet. It’s small and easy to swallow. The dosage recommended by practitioners and doctors is strictly one tablet per day. It’s very dangerous to consume more than one pill of Kamagra 100 mg. The medication becomes active after 20-30 after the ingestion. Medics advise to take Kamagra generic one hour before the sexual act and the effect will last from 4 to 6 hours. Some people prefer to buy Kamagra in jellies, because it has some advantages. After eating a high-fat meal it’s safe to take Kamagra 100 jelly, not a pill. Jelly has to be dissolved in the mouth, so it doesn’t interact with the food in your stomach. Another positive side of Kamagra 100mg in jelly form is that it starts working quicker than any other varieties of the same medication. 10-15 minutes is enough for it to reach the desirable effect. Jelly form is the most popular form when people purchasing Kamagra online. Effervescent tablets are used by the people who are not able to swallow pills. The medication is dissolved in a glass of water and after an hour after drinking a man can get a firm erection.
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Modern opportunities are endless. Every person can buy Kamagra online to help fight the erectile dysfunction. Kamagra price makes the medication popular and affordable for everyone, but it’s still really important to check all the side effects. You don’t actually plan to damage your health for a one time fun. Kamagra 100mg may be the reason of headaches, nausea, back pain, light vertigo. This medication doesn’t go well with alcohol. If you still plan to consume alcohol, consider switching to another drug, although at higher than Kamagra cost. If you think Kamagra is harmful for you, immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.
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Kamagra is the medicine that has the same active element as Viagra – sildenafil. Kamagra claims to have an equal effect as the well-known blue pill. When it comes to money saving Kamagra cost has its advantages too. It’s wide-spread and not expensive. Kamagra 100 contains 100mg of sildenafil, the same dosage can be found in the Viagra pill of highest strength. It’s produced by Indian manufacturers and is often sold without prescription. That’s why it became very popular with men who want to treat their erectile dysfunction. You may simply buy Kamagra 100 and follow the instructions. Kamagra price is fairly cheaper than Viagra. When you start looking for kamagra online you’ll see that it exists in forms of coloured tablets and flavoured jellies. The medication has no official approve for the use in Europe and in the UK. Nevertheless more and more people choose Kamagra 100mg over other medication with the similar result. You can easily buy kamagra online, although the drug is unlicensed in some countries. No matter how attractive Kamagra cost is, there are no guarantees that the drug will contain sildenafil, the other components are also unknown. Kamagra generic distribution is unlawful, but most men are ready to purchase it, because there’s no need to consult a doctor. What can actually be easier – just go online and buy Kamagra, no prescriptions, no need to go to the pharmacy.
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When you decide to buy Kamagra 100 mg online you will be surprised by its numerous forms of the medication websites offer. Kamagra 100 is available in three different types: there are tablets, effervescent and jellies. It’s easier to buy Kamagra generic online, as it might not be represented in the pharmacies. More and more men prefer to buy Kamagra via the Internet. The sellers respect privacy of their customers, and Kamagra price is affordable for everyone. The most approved form of Kamagra 100mg is a tablet. It’s small and easy to swallow. The dosage recommended by practitioners and doctors is strictly one tablet per day. It’s very dangerous to consume more than one pill of Kamagra 100 mg. The medication becomes active after 20-30 after the ingestion. Medics advise to take Kamagra generic one hour before the sexual act and the effect will last from 4 to 6 hours. Some people prefer to buy Kamagra in jellies, because it has some advantages. After eating a high-fat meal it’s safe to take Kamagra 100 jelly, not a pill. Jelly has to be dissolved in the mouth, so it doesn’t interact with the food in your stomach. Another positive side of Kamagra 100mg in jelly form is that it starts working quicker than any other varieties of the same medication. 10-15 minutes is enough for it to reach the desirable effect. Jelly form is the most popular form when people purchasing Kamagra online. Effervescent tablets are used by the people who are not able to swallow pills. The medication is dissolved in a glass of water and after an hour after drinking a man can get a firm erection.
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Modern opportunities are endless. Every person can buy Kamagra online to help fight the erectile dysfunction. Kamagra price makes the medication popular and affordable for everyone, but it’s still really important to check all the side effects. You don’t actually plan to damage your health for a one time fun. Kamagra 100mg may be the reason of headaches, nausea, back pain, light vertigo. This medication doesn’t go well with alcohol. If you still plan to consume alcohol, consider switching to another drug, although at higher than Kamagra cost. If you think Kamagra is harmful for you, immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.
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Kamagra is the medicine that has the same active element as Viagra – sildenafil. Kamagra claims to have an equal effect as the well-known blue pill. When it comes to money saving Kamagra cost has its advantages too. It’s wide-spread and not expensive. Kamagra 100 contains 100mg of sildenafil, the same dosage can be found in the Viagra pill of highest strength. It’s produced by Indian manufacturers and is often sold without prescription. That’s why it became very popular with men who want to treat their erectile dysfunction. You may simply buy Kamagra 100 and follow the instructions. Kamagra price is fairly cheaper than Viagra. When you start looking for kamagra online you’ll see that it exists in forms of coloured tablets and flavoured jellies. The medication has no official approve for the use in Europe and in the UK. Nevertheless more and more people choose Kamagra 100mg over other medication with the similar result. You can easily buy kamagra online, although the drug is unlicensed in some countries. No matter how attractive Kamagra cost is, there are no guarantees that the drug will contain sildenafil, the other components are also unknown. Kamagra generic distribution is unlawful, but most men are ready to purchase it, because there’s no need to consult a doctor. What can actually be easier – just go online and buy Kamagra, no prescriptions, no need to go to the pharmacy.
Types of Kamagra generic
When you decide to buy Kamagra 100 mg online you will be surprised by its numerous forms of the medication websites offer. Kamagra 100 is available in three different types: there are tablets, effervescent and jellies. It’s easier to buy Kamagra generic online, as it might not be represented in the pharmacies. More and more men prefer to buy Kamagra via the Internet. The sellers respect privacy of their customers, and Kamagra price is affordable for everyone. The most approved form of Kamagra 100mg is a tablet. It’s small and easy to swallow. The dosage recommended by practitioners and doctors is strictly one tablet per day. It’s very dangerous to consume more than one pill of Kamagra 100 mg. The medication becomes active after 20-30 after the ingestion. Medics advise to take Kamagra generic one hour before the sexual act and the effect will last from 4 to 6 hours. Some people prefer to buy Kamagra in jellies, because it has some advantages. After eating a high-fat meal it’s safe to take Kamagra 100 jelly, not a pill. Jelly has to be dissolved in the mouth, so it doesn’t interact with the food in your stomach. Another positive side of Kamagra 100mg in jelly form is that it starts working quicker than any other varieties of the same medication. 10-15 minutes is enough for it to reach the desirable effect. Jelly form is the most popular form when people purchasing Kamagra online. Effervescent tablets are used by the people who are not able to swallow pills. The medication is dissolved in a glass of water and after an hour after drinking a man can get a firm erection.
Side effects and other important information
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Modern opportunities are endless. Every person can buy Kamagra online to help fight the erectile dysfunction. Kamagra price makes the medication popular and affordable for everyone, but it’s still really important to check all the side effects. You don’t actually plan to damage your health for a one time fun. Kamagra 100mg may be the reason of headaches, nausea, back pain, light vertigo. This medication doesn’t go well with alcohol. If you still plan to consume alcohol, consider switching to another drug, although at higher than Kamagra cost. If you think Kamagra is harmful for you, immediately stop taking it and consult a specialist.
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