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Rowery miejskie Merida 2013

Wszystkie rowery miejskie Meridy maja oznaczenie City + czterocyfrowy numer. Kolekcja zawiera dwie linie na identycznych ramach, różniących się kołami:

  • City 8300 i 8100 to modele na kołach 28" (700C)
  • City 6300 i 6100 to modele na kołach 26"

Modele z liczba "300" posiadają amortyzator przedni i 7 biegów, a oznaczone  "100" nie maja amortyzatora i sa trzybiegowe.

Uwaga: "osprzęt" zazwyczaj odnosi się do przerzutek i oznacza najwyższą użyta w rowerze grupę.

modelramaosprzętprzełożeniaprzerzutkiamortyzator przednicena
Merida City 8300 alu Nexus 7 wewnętrzne Sumtour SF7-CR750 1.800 zł
Merida City 8100 alu Nexus 3 wewnętrzne brak (sztywny) 1.500 zł
Merida City 6300 alu Nexus 7 wewnętrzne Sumtour SF7-CR750 1.800 zł
Merida City 6100 alu Nexus 3 wewnętrzne brak (sztywny) 1.500 zł


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Z dniem 2020-01-06 forum zostalo wylaczone

2014-09-08 10:24 anonim | AMTLHLw3S
I love your daughter's <a href="http://zpzliucbn.com">reteocfiln</a> on the movie. I too, as an adult felt the same way she answered her questions. I grew up with a brother. I was a Merida as a kid. I watched this movie with one of my 22yr old twin girls & her boyfriend. Re: triplets; I know how zany multiples can get Anyway, we all loved the movie BRAVE!By the way, I heard dads laughing, I heard little boys laughing & talking about how cool the movie was as they exited the theater. This movie has something for everyone! My dog Maggie liked BRAVE when I told her about the Irish Wolfhounds. woof woof
2014-09-08 11:45 anonim | B39bSnm0
Hi Heather, thanks for your <a href="http://hhqsxuzady.com">coemnmt</a>. Crystal Smith, who blogs at The Achilles Effect, noticed the same thing that you did about the male characters. Wouldn't it be amazing if media makers could find a way to make strong, interesting characters for both sexes? My girls really liked that there were two parents who supported and loved each others, and the way the family worked together and worked out their differences. And I agree, let's get those kids thinking about the media they consume!
2014-09-10 05:15 anonim | Uji0II0Lz5u
They did go trick-or-treating. Gabriel felt better Summer put on a brave face. She made it to about 5 hosues, but that was good for her. She came home, bathed, and just crashed. Having sick kiddos on special days is just heart breaking. So, we kept everything as normal as possible and let them decide their limitations for the day (within reason, of course). http://zpayia.com [url=http://oeahezuu.com]oeahezuu[/url] [link=http://kuaxbhggord.com]kuaxbhggord[/link]
2015-11-21 10:03 anonim | VbH5ydWXo7
Hi, Jennifer. I just wanted to resopnd on your page, too. Allie's insights actually made me cry in happiness. She got everything I was trying to do for girls in the film . and moms and the whole family! It was hard getting the movie made but finally success!!! Thank you, Allie!Brenda Chapman
2015-11-22 08:23 anonim | zaUXUYfS
Thanks for this great post it was awesome to hear your 8 year old <a href="http://xsekeof.com">afifrm</a> what grown up ladies (and gents) are talking about that Brave is a different kind of princess story, and Pixar did a fantastic job of providing a seriously great role model for young girls.
2015-11-24 01:44 anonim | h8wcDBRm7S
Thanks so much for sharing Jennifer! What a <a href="http://wojicz.com">brhgit</a>, articulate, wonderful daughter you have! We need to hear and see more of girls' and women's opinions and the full range of what we can do i.e. that we aren't limited!
2015-11-26 06:28 anonim | 6N5l8Ufwmkdv
, they should have inevetsd into US more than thinking of this way, We need to find a way to have Deaf people come and not lose money. We never had a problem with closed captions/subtitles (the color needs to be fixed in order to be easy on the eyes though). Only the hearing people had a problem with that. While hearing people are the majority, they need to learn how to adapt to our needs. Too often, the deaf people are the ones to adapt. Not for one year, but for years and years. They are so BLESSED with being able to go to a movie theatre in a heartbeat. Yet when they see captions on a screen, they whined. NOT US. For you to point out that Deaf people complain to no end is frankly unfair. It is a company's job like Sony to be receptive to our needs, wants, and complaints. If Sony could easily say that the Deaf community is ungrateful, then they are not really LISTENING to us as a whole company. I truly hope that Sony as well as many other companies will see that every compliant and compliment as a way to understand us more, as a way to modify the design of the glasses, and so on. Personally, I do not know why they are even putting in effort as everything is becoming digital. The theaters are ALREADY losing a lot of money due to people staying home more often. To add, did you even read my blog? Cuz according to your comments, it looks like you didn't. On how I thanked Sony for making this happen because of them we have more time slots to see a movie, etc And how funny it was to go to the bathroom with the captions still running. http://amhwpjfbbrf.com [url=http://qsjodg.com]qsjodg[/url] [link=http://oabrrxyjbbj.com]oabrrxyjbbj[/link]
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