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Test: Torba na kierownicę KLS Orbit

Dla rowerzystów, którzy chcą zabrać ze sobą więcej rzeczy i nie wozić ich na plecach lub w bagażniku, firma Kellys przygotowała rozwiązanie w postaci torby KLS Orbit w wersji Click Buckle montowanej na kierownicę.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Testowana przez nas torebka została wykonana z poliestru, ma pojemność 7 litrów, a jej wymiary to: 26x15x20 cm. W głównych kieszeniach mieści się wiele przedmiotów. Bez problemu spakujemy narzędzia, portfel, kurtkę, batony, a nawet 0.5l termos oraz książkę i mapę. W środku jest sztywny i śliski plastik - torebka zachowuje kształt nawet z obciążeniem, ale podczas jazdy nawet po drobnych nierównościach musimy się liczyć z głośnym stukaniem w środku.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Kieszeń w górnej klapie jest przeznaczona do wożenia telefonu lub mapy. Telefon mieści się spokojnie, a mając dotykowy wyświetlacz można obsługiwać go bez konieczności wyjmowania. Mankamentem jest to, że gdy standardowej wielkości smartfon jest ustawiony w kierunku jazdy jego dolna część, gdzie często znajduje się miejsce głównych funkcji menu, wypada pod zamkiem błyskawicznym. Kieszeń byłaby też świetnym miejscem na mapę, ale jest za mała na jej standardowe wymiary.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS OrbitTorba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Boczne kieszenie Kellys Orbit do połowy wykonane z siatki mieszczą bidony, ale tylko wtedy, gdy główna kieszeń jest pusta. Gdy zapakujemy całą torbę, to do bocznych siatek możemy włożyć najwyżej chusteczki, dętkę lub inne przedmioty podobnej wielkości.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Torebka słabo sprawdziła się w deszczowe dni. Pomimo, iż została wykonana z podobno nieprzemakalnych materiałów, kieszeń która powinna chronić np. papierową mapę lub telefon, była w środku mokra po kilkudziesięciu sekundach silniejszego deszczu. Nieszczelnym miejscem okazały się szwy łączące zamki z przeźroczystym materiałem. W bocznych kieszeniach gromadziło się sporo wody, która długo nie wylewana, powodowała przemakanie głównej komory. Torebka nie posiada w zestawie pokrowca, który mógłby zabezpieczyć całość przed deszczem.

System mocowania sakwy KLS Orbit jest wygodny i nie wymaga ogołacania kierownicy z chwytów, klamek i manetek, aby przykręcić uchwyt. W zestawie znajduje się klucz oraz gumowe podkładki do różnych średnic kierownicy. Torebka dobrze trzyma się na kierownicach o większym przekroju, niestety na 25,4 mm nawet przy użyciu dużej ilości gumowych podkładek osuwa się w trakcie jazdy.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Odległość od kierownicy jest wystarczająca, aby nie zaburzać ułożenia linek. Szybki system mocowania na zatrzask jest wygodny i niezawodny. Wsuwając uchwyt w prowadnice blokujemy plastikowy bolec. Aby odpiąć torbę wystarczy wcisnąć szeroki przycisk i wyjąć z uchwytu przy kierownicy. Jednak nic nie chroni torby w wypadku pęknięcia elementu mocującego lub błyskawicznej kradzieży. Zabranie torebki jest bardzo szybkie, a noszenie jej ze sobą ułatwia przyszyty uchwyt.

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Możemy też postawić torbę bez obawy o przetarcie, zabrudzenie i przemoczenie podłogi dzięki małym plastikowym nóżkom.

Podsumowując, Orbit marki KLS to sztywna torba na kierownicę, która posiada szybki system mocowania uchwytu i bezproblemowe wpinanie oraz zdejmowanie. Obejma przewidziana do wszystkich średnic kierownicy w rzeczywistości dobrze trzyma się tylko na szerszych przekrojach. Solidne zamki YKK i odporny materiał przedłużą jej użytkowanie, jednak w trakcie deszczu dobrze owinąć wszystko folią, gdyż w miejscach łączenia materiałów woda lubi przeciekać do środka. Test pokazał, że w środku zmieści się wiele rzeczy, ale przewidziane funkcje niektórych kieszeni nie spełniają oczekiwań i są niefunkcjonalne. Wnętrze głównej komory nie jest wyłożone miękkim materiałem i przedmioty stukają o plastik w trakcie jazdy powodując spory dyskomfort. Dość wysoka cena w porównaniu do podobnych akcesoriów innych marek przemawia dodatkowo na niekorzyść tej propozycji. W sklepach internetowych cena za testowany przez nas produkt to około 160 zł.

Jest też dostepne tańsza wersja torebki KLS Orbit z mocowanie do kierownicy na paski z rzepem za ok 90 zł


  • Wymiary: 26x15x20cm
  • Pojemność: 7l
  • Materiał: poliester
  • Zamki: YKK
  • System mocowania: zatrzask „Click Buckle”
  • Średnica kierownicy: teoretycznie 25.4-31.8mm.


  • Twarde usztywnienie
  • Solidny materiał i zamki błyskawiczne
  • Szybki system mocowania uchwytu na kierownicy
  • Szybki zatrzaskowy system zakładania i zdejmowania torby
  • Ułatwiająca noszenie rączka
  • Pojemna kieszeń główna
  • Odblaskowy pasek z przodu


  • Brak miękkiej wyściółki
  • Przemakalność
  • Brak pokrowca
  • Niefunkcjonalna kieszeń w górnej klapie
  • Brak zabezpieczenia w wypadku pęknięcia uchwytu lub kradzieży  

Torba na kierownicę Kellys KLS OrbitTorba na kierownicę Kellys KLS OrbitTorba na kierownicę Kellys KLS OrbitTorba na kierownicę Kellys KLS Orbit

Wojtek Wojtak

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Z dniem 2020-01-06 forum zostalo wylaczone

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2021-03-29 21:40 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 06:56 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 10:43 anonim |
12 simple exercises to develop "phenomenal memory":

1. Improve the memorization process

When memorizing something, you need to think about the action, draw parallels with your life. Let's just say, the more associations you make, the more you will be able to remember what you want.

2. Try to remember yourself

There are times when you forgot your partner's phone number, or the name and patronymic of a person with whom you have an important meeting, etc. Do not rush to open your notebook just to read the necessary information. Try to remember it yourself. This information is already "on the shelf in your head", you just have to find it.

3. Create similar looks

If you need to remember something important, try to create an image in your mind that is associated with what you need to remember. It will be easier for the brain to do this.

4. Speak the information received

When you want to remember important information, try retelling it, or explaining it to another person. The memorization process becomes better when you speak the information received.

5. Do arithmetic
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When you have nothing to keep yourself busy in boring and long lines, try to start solving very simple arithmetic problems in your head. For example, multiply the number of legs of those red chairs by the number of flowerpots on the windowsill. Or count the sum of numbers on the numbers of passing cars ... This practice is actually an excellent memory training. 6. Remember what happened to you during the day

Before going to bed, after the day, scroll through all its details in your head. What did you do throughout the day, what would you do to improve some points. Think back to your day. From now until awakening. Believe me, this is not an easy task! Ask the question: "Which decision I made today was the most effective?"

7. Read more books!

What could be better than spending your free time reading an interesting and useful book? When reading a book, the brain strains to memorize the details. In addition, you turn on your imagination and begin to visualize everything that you read about. This is great for training the brain.

8. Study verses and text passages

At school we were asked to learn poems for a reason. Memorizing rhymed verses and non-rhymed passages of text helps develop memory. So learn the verses. Try to choose those pieces that you really like 9. Don't try to cram!

Remember how at school / university we could memorize the information we needed to get a good grade? Forget about it. This technique does not help develop memory. Dull cramming is ineffective. It tires the brain, and it quickly stops responding to the information it receives. Better ponder on what you read. You need to not only learn, but also understand what you are reading.
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10. Repeat

But it's still worth repeating the material covered. Not to cram, but to repeat - to refresh your memory. As they say: "Repetition is the mother of learning." Repeat the information received. Every day, for example, 5 days. Repeat what you learned. This information will be deposited in long-term memory, and you can easily get it from there.

11. Don't be lazy

You will never be able to achieve something and remember something if you are lazy. Laziness is the rust of the mind. Don't let it take over your memory. Resist the temptation to lie idle on the couch. Take a book or turn on some relaxing music. This will force your brain to work and thus improve your memory, while you physically rest. And if you need to remember something, then quickly connect all the resources.

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2021-03-30 14:19 anonim |
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2021-03-31 21:50 anonim |
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2021-04-01 01:26 anonim |
What is MBA education?
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(Master of Business Administration, master of business administration) is not so much a training program as a Manager's degree (in management). Here it is important to have it, which indicates that you have the skills necessary for a middle-and senior-level Manager. To date, there is no single standard that would allow you to divide the degree of proficiency in these skills, so only the fact of having a corresponding diploma is taken into account.

The first version of such a training system began to be used in the United States in the 19th century. for many companies of that time, employees who knew the latest management methods were in demand. With

In our country, the MBA program started at the branch of the Plekhanov economic Institute. Since then, the standard has taken root and MBA education is now considered one of the mandatory for prestigious vacancies in the economic sphere.

What is the" strength " of MBA education?
As with any other type of training for MBA education, there may be pros and cons. So among the main positive qualities can be noted.
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The opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business, from which you can get practical benefits in your daily work.
Increased chances of becoming the head of a large firm. The owners of this education are guaranteed to move up the career ladder.
Getting first-hand knowledge from world-class businessmen, and perhaps even from Nobel prize winners.
A great opportunity to get a job abroad or in our country, but in an international organization.
In General, MBA education increases the qualification level of a specialist, making it more competitive in the job market. But there are a few disadvantages.

For example, today young professionals who have just graduated from UNIVERSITY are trying to get an MBA right away. The motivation is obvious — they want to immediately get a job in a prestigious company for a high-paying position with a career growth forecast. And there may be no time to get additional education in the future. But here's the problem — the MBA provides practical knowledge in contrast to the usual "HSE", which would be better compared with your own business experience. This is the only way to highlight in the entire course the knowledge that will really help in a particular situation. And without experience, everything becomes nothing more than an interesting educational program.

The second disadvantage is again hidden in the lack of practical experience for most of the owners of MBA crusts. It is difficult for them to apply the existing knowledge in practice, they do it with caution, sometimes being late with responsible decisions. To work successfully in a rapidly changing market, you need to work for many years to develop the skills to solve complex problems on the fly.
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2021-04-01 04:08 anonim |
What is MBA education?
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(Master of Business Administration, master of business administration) is not so much a training program as a Manager's degree (in management). Here it is important to have it, which indicates that you have the skills necessary for a middle-and senior-level Manager. To date, there is no single standard that would allow you to divide the degree of proficiency in these skills, so only the fact of having a corresponding diploma is taken into account.

The first version of such a training system began to be used in the United States in the 19th century. for many companies of that time, employees who knew the latest management methods were in demand. With

In our country, the MBA program started at the branch of the Plekhanov economic Institute. Since then, the standard has taken root and MBA education is now considered one of the mandatory for prestigious vacancies in the economic sphere.

What is the" strength " of MBA education?
As with any other type of training for MBA education, there may be pros and cons. So among the main positive qualities can be noted.
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The opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in the field of business, from which you can get practical benefits in your daily work.
Increased chances of becoming the head of a large firm. The owners of this education are guaranteed to move up the career ladder.
Getting first-hand knowledge from world-class businessmen, and perhaps even from Nobel prize winners.
A great opportunity to get a job abroad or in our country, but in an international organization.
In General, MBA education increases the qualification level of a specialist, making it more competitive in the job market. But there are a few disadvantages.

For example, today young professionals who have just graduated from UNIVERSITY are trying to get an MBA right away. The motivation is obvious — they want to immediately get a job in a prestigious company for a high-paying position with a career growth forecast. And there may be no time to get additional education in the future. But here's the problem — the MBA provides practical knowledge in contrast to the usual "HSE", which would be better compared with your own business experience. This is the only way to highlight in the entire course the knowledge that will really help in a particular situation. And without experience, everything becomes nothing more than an interesting educational program.

The second disadvantage is again hidden in the lack of practical experience for most of the owners of MBA crusts. It is difficult for them to apply the existing knowledge in practice, they do it with caution, sometimes being late with responsible decisions. To work successfully in a rapidly changing market, you need to work for many years to develop the skills to solve complex problems on the fly.
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